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Buried Penis

What is buried penis?

A concealed – or buried – penis means that it is hidden beneath the scrotum or excess skin or fat in a boy’s pubic area. In most cases, a concealed or buried penis is of normal size and function. Typically, buried penis is a cosmetic issue, not a medical one, but psychological effects can result.

What are the symptoms of buried penis?

  • Shaft and head of the penis not visible at all (in severe cases)

  • Only part of the penis is visible (in mild cases)

What are the causes of buried penis?

Buried or hidden penis can be present at birth or may develop later in life. 

Some of the most common causes include:

  • Abnormalities that are present at birth: The ligaments that attach the penis to underlying structures may be weaker than usual.

  • Obesity: Excess fat around the abdomen and genital area can make the penis appear to be hidden.

  • Lymphedema: Swelling around the scrotum area due to the collection of lymph fluid may cause the penis to become buried inside tissue.

  • A buried penis can occur whenever too much — or not enough — of a boy’s foreskin has been removed during circumcision, changing the external contours of the penis.

How to treat buried penis?

Buried penis may be treated with:

  • Medications: A doctor may prescribe drugs if buried penis has caused an infection in the genital region.

  • Weight loss: Patients with obesity usually are encouraged to lose weight before having surgery. Although weight loss alone is not likely to solve the problem, it can make complications during and after surgery less likely. Weight loss and nutritional counselling can help patients before and after surgery.

  • Surgery if the buried penis does not resolve.


For more information, contact Dr Ong. Book an appointment today!

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